Railways and tracks
- ŽSR, Modernisation of station BG in Čierna nad Tisou
- Local Consultant for the area of Slovak republic on PHARE project - IMPROVEMENT OF COMPETITIVENESS OF RAIL TRANSPORT IN THE CEECs, for Halcrow Group Limited from GB.
- Junction Žilina, construction analysis of establishing capacity
- Programme of track modernisation Bratislava -Žilina-Košice harmonised with the reconstruction of the tracks in question
- Research studies of sections for high-speed tracks from ŽSR (Slovak Railways) to PKP (ČD - Czech Railways)
- Optimal system of high-speed tracks on the area of Slovak Republic.
- Programme of Modernisation Kúty - Bratislava - Štúrovo track
- ŽSR, Modernisation of RS in Čierna nad Tisou - transport technology
- Feasibility study under the Programme of Track Modernisation Bratislava -Žilina-Košice
- Slovak Railways - Development Forecast
- ŽSR - Modernisation of BG in Railway station - Čierna nad Tisou
- Čierna nad Tisou - Development of the Railway tranship centre - Studies
- Passing-point Červený Dvor NR, adjustments of track in state of crash
- Duties tracks Maťovce - broad-gauge
- Railway station Čremošné, KR turnout Nr. 1,2,4,5,6
- Railway stations: Kysak, Vydrník, Ruskov, Malá Lodina, Kuzmice, Východná, Svit, Štrba, Michaľany, Krásna nad Hornádom, Družstevná pri Hornáde, Slančík, Streda nad Bodrogom, Haniska pri Košiciach NR, Liptovská Teplá, Krásno nad Kysucou, Vrútky - draining of sleepers subgrade
- Railway station Lipany and Railway station Sabinov, track renewal
- VSŽ - STEEL , Complete Overhaul of trackage and complete overhaul of signalling gear on entrance trackage St. 2,
- KRŽZ Sp. Nová Ves - Vydrník , subbase of the track Nr. 1 and 2
- KRŽZ Kraľovany - Turany , track Nr.: 1 and 2
- Humenné , establishing of sewage tracks in the RS
- VSŽ Košice - Complete Overhaul of tracks Nr. 9
- Complete Overhaul of trackage in VSŽ - DÚ Steel-Works
- VSŽ , Gates ZPO I on the track K 800
- VSŽ - Complete Overhaul trackage DÚ CPR - ŠR
- VSŽ - Complete Overhaul of trackage, CO of signalling system 25
- VSŽ . repairing of trackage K801, 802, 812
- KRŽZ B.Bystrica track Nr.1 , 2, B. Bystrica - Šalková track Nr.1, RS Šalková, Nr.1
- Information Magazine about the Slovak Railways in Slovak and English language
- Pre-electric adjustment of the track Prešov - Plaveč
- Extension of wide scale railway track to Slovnaft a.s., Vojany
- Reconstruction of trackage EVO Vojany
- PROBUGAS, pumping-equipment P-B in Čierna nad Tisou
- SLOVMAD - spedition storage Čierna n/Tisou
- Branch locomotive shed Čierna n/Tisou
- Čierna nad Tisou - Reconstruction of the Loading Platform Nr. III
- Čierna nad Tisou - Reconstruction of the Crane Runway
- Reconstruction of the Loading Platform Nr. II. in Čierna nad Tisou
- Storage of methanol in Čierna nad Tisou
- ZSNP Žiar nad Hronom - track-weight SCHENCK
- Complete reconstruction ŠRT (1520 mm) Budkovce
- Railway crossing Prešov - Bardejov
- Motorways D1 Hybe - Važec, railway trailer in Važec
- Hump dynamic analysis – in DUSLO ŠAĽA
- Hump Modernisation , Track brake – in DUSLO Šaľa
- Point – switch reconstruction , station Ružín
- Slov. Railway - Reconstructions on track Michaľany – Lupkow
- Recycling Basis – Košice –Barca
- SR – railway station Medzilaborce – renovation of railway permanent way
- Reconstruction of external catch-water gutter . Slovak Tunnels
- Reconstruction of railway subbase dewatering and level crossing - MES Michalovce
- Hump dynamic analysis in Zolen – východ
- Car loading platform – Košice
- ŽSR, Modernisation of NG and BG - Čierna nad Tisou
- Turnout Reconstruction 2002
- Modernisation of railway line N.M.n. Váhom – Púchov, rkm 100,500 – 159,100 for running speed up to 160 km/hour
- Reconstruction of branch line in TATRAMAT , s.r.o.
- ŽSR, Modernisation of railway line Žilina – Krásno nad Kysucou – Transport technology
- Renovation of devastated overhead line in line section Starý Smokovec – Vyšné Hágy
- KR of overhead line Kraľovany –Turany , track No 2
- Reconstruction od platform in railway station Veľká Lomnica – Golf
- TEN-T ŽSR, Bratislava Predmestie – Bratislava filiálka – Bratislava Petržalka (connecting of EU corridors)
- TEN-T ŽSR, Bratislava – connection of airport M.R.Štefánika to the railway network
- Railway station - Veľká Lomnica
- Modernisation of the railway line between Žilina and Košice , track section of Kysak (station excluding) – Košice, project preparation
- ŽSR, ŽST Kysak – modernisation of signalling plant
- ŽSR, Modernisation of station NG and BG Čierna nad Tisou , KRTV v km 4,160-6,40
- Analysis of integrated system of personal rail transport in Košice region.
- ATKINS, GB – Local consultant in relation to the „Pre-feasibilty Study on the Extension of teh Broad Gauge Railway to Vienna“
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